ZorgAPIs API (0.7.0)

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Definition of the API Library for Dutch Healthcare (ZorgAPIs) API.

This specification is maintained on GitHub.


ZorgAPIs API enables the creation of applications that can interact with the API Library for Dutch Healthcare, such as retrieving API requirements, creating and managing organizations and API specifications, or publishing declarations of conformity.

This specification is part of the ZorgAPIs Developer Portal. Utilize our sandbox API to ensure your integrations are seamless and robust before publishing data to the production environment.


Users API

Get user information for authenticated user

Returns a single user.



Response samples

Content type
  • "id": "2aa3349c-dfa6-4308-b562-f7fc8be6c053",
  • "name": "John Doe",
  • "createTime": "2023-10-24T14:15:30.500Z",
  • "createdByUserId": "533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856",
  • "createdByUser": {
  • "updateTime": "2023-10-25T10:45:30.500Z",
  • "updatedByUserId": "533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856",
  • "updatedByUser": {

User invitations

User invitations API

List all user invitations

Returns a list of user invitations.


Sort expressions

The following table lists the field names and directions you can use in a sort expression.

Field Type Direction Example
id uuid asc ?sort=asc(id)
desc ?sort=desc(id)
emailAddress string asc ?sort=asc(emailAddress)
desc ?sort=desc(emailAddress)
responseTime date-time asc ?sort=asc(responseTime)
desc ?sort=desc(responseTime)
createTime date-time asc ?sort=asc(createTime)
desc ?sort=desc(createTime)
updateTime date-time asc ?sort=asc(updateTime)
desc ?sort=desc(updateTime)

Default sort expression

If the sort parameter is omitted, the default sort expression is used:


This causes results to be sorted by createTime in descending order (from most recent to oldest).

Filter expressions

The following table lists the field names and operators you can use in a filter expression.

Field Type Operator Example
id uuid eq ?filter=eq(id,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
neq ?filter=neq(id,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
organizationId uuid eq ?filter=eq(organizationId,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
neq ?filter=neq(organizationId,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
emailAddress string eq ?filter=eq(emailAddress,"john.doe@nictiz.nl")
neq ?filter=neq(emailAddress,"john.doe@nictiz.nl")
has ?filter=has(emailAddress,"john")
stw ?filter=stw(emailAddress,"john")
enw ?filter=enw(emailAddress,"nictiz.nl")
reg ?filter=reg(emailAddress,"^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$")
status InvitationStatus eq ?filter=eq(status,"PENDING")
neq ?filter=neq(status,"PENDING")
responseTime date-time eq ?filter=eq(responseTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
neq ?filter=neq(responseTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gt ?filter=gt(responseTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gte ?filter=gte(responseTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lt ?filter=lt(responseTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lte ?filter=lte(responseTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
createTime date-time eq ?filter=eq(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
neq ?filter=neq(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gt ?filter=gt(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gte ?filter=gte(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lt ?filter=lt(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lte ?filter=lte(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
updateTime date-time eq ?filter=eq(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
neq ?filter=neq(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gt ?filter=gt(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gte ?filter=gte(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lt ?filter=lt(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lte ?filter=lte(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
query Parameters
integer <int32> [ 1 .. 100 ]
Default: 100
Examples: limit=100

The limit query string parameter restricts the number of items to return at one time.

  • Minimum is 0
  • Maximum is 100
integer <int32> >= 0
Default: 0
Examples: skip=0

The skip query string parameter defines the number of items to skip before returning items.

  • Minimum is 0
Default: ""
  • sort= - Empty
  • sort=asc(createTime) - Create time (ascending)
  • sort=asc(name),desc(createTime) - Combined sort
  • sort=asc(user.name) - Nested field

The sort query string parameter sorts the data returned from your request.


Sort syntax

A single sort expression uses the form:


In this syntax:

  • direction - The sort direction to use
  • field - The name of the field to sort by
    • Nested fields can be referenced using dot notation (field.nested) or bracket notation (field["nested"])

Sort directions

  • asc - Ascending (smallest to largest)
    • e.g. 1 to 100, A to Z, oldest to newest, false to true, not null to null
  • desc - Descending (largest to smallest)
    • e.g. 100 to 1, Z to A, newest to oldest, true to false, null to not null


Sort functionality can be expanded using functions. These functions help to sort specific data types. For example, they allow to sort on the year component of a date-time type field.

Functions can be applied to the field component of a sort expression, like so:


Sort functions

Function Description Input type Output type Example input Example output
year Returns the year component of a date value date-time integer year("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 2024
month Returns the month component of a date value date-time integer month("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 3
day Returns the day of the month component of a date value date-time integer day("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 16
hour Returns the hour component of a datetime value date-time integer hour("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 14
minute Returns the minute component of a datetime value date-time integer minute("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 15
second Returns the second component of a datetime value date-time integer second("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 30
millisecond Returns the millisecond component of a datetime value date-time integer millisecond("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 500
floor Rounds a number down to the nearest integer float integer floor(25.75) 25
ceiling Rounds a number up to the nearest integer float integer ceiling(25.75) 26
round Rounds a number to the nearest integer float integer round(25.75) 26
lower Converts a string to lowercase string string lower("Nictiz") "nictiz"
upper Converts a string to uppercase string string upper("Nictiz") "NICTIZ"

Combining sort expressions

Sort expressions can be combined using a comma (,).

Sort expressions are evaluated from left to right, for example:


Causes the results to be sorted first by name in ascending order (from A to Z), and then by createTime in ascending order (from oldest to newest).

Default: ""
  • filter= - Empty
  • filter=stw(name,"Nictiz") - Starts with
  • filter=or(eq(name,"Nictiz"),eq(name,"MedMij")) - Name equals (OR)
  • filter=and(eq(year(createTime),2023),eq(month(createTime),10)) - Created in October 2023

The filter query string parameter restricts the data returned from your request.


Filter syntax

A single filter expression uses the form:


In this syntax:

  • operator - The type of filter to use
  • field - The name of the field to filter on
    • Nested fields can be referenced using dot notation (field.nested) or bracket notation (field["nested"])
  • value - The value that the field must be evaluated against

Filter operators

Operator Description Field type Example
eq Equal to value boolean eq(field,true)
number eq(field,1234)
string eq(field,"text")
date-time eq(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
uuid eq(field,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
null eq(field,null)
neq Not equal to value boolean neq(field,true)
number neq(field,1234)
string neq(field,"text")
date-time neq(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
uuid neq(field,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
null neq(field,null)
gt Greater than value number gt(field,1234)
date-time gt(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gte Greater than or equal to value number gte(field,1234)
date-time gte(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lt Less than value number lt(field,1234)
date-time lt(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lte Less than or equal to value number lte(field,1234)
date-time lte(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
has Contains substring string has(field,"text")
stw Starts with string string stw(field,"text")
enw Ends with string string enw(field,"text")
reg Matches regular expression string reg(field,"^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$")

List operators

The any and all operators can be used to filter on list fields. These operators will filter the data returned to only include results where any or all items in given list return true for given filter expression.

A single list operator uses the form:


In this syntax:

  • listOperator - The list operator to use
    • The any operator returns true if the filter expression is true for at least one item in the list
    • The all operator returns true if the filter expression is true for every item in the list
  • listField - The name of the list field to filter on
  • operator - The type of filter to use on the list items
  • $it - Keyword that refers to each individual item of the list field
    • If the item is an object, you can reference nested fields like so: $it.nestedField
  • value - The value that the list item must be evaluated against

The operator in a list operator can be seen as a lambda function, where it represents the body of a loop in a programming language with $it representing the current item of the list during iteration.


Any perspectiveType that is equal to "API_SPECIFICATION":


All versions have any url with a type that is equal to "FUNCTIONAL_DESIGN":


not operator

The not operator evaluates to true if its sub-expression evaluates to false, and vice-versa.

It can be applied to any filter operator, like so:


Filter values

There are a couple of important rules for filter values:

  • URL-reserved characters - Characters such as & must be url-encoded in the usual way.
  • Value syntax - Value syntax is similar to that of JSON:
    • string - Must be written with double quotes (for example: "value")
      • date-time - Must be written as string
      • enum - Must be written as string
      • uuid - Must be written as string
    • number - Must be written as JSON number
    • boolean - Must be written as JSON boolean: either true or false
    • null - Must be written as JSON null literal
  • Regular expressions - You can also use regular expressions in filter values using the reg operator. The syntax uses POSIX regular expressions (similar to Perl) and have these additional rules:
    • Case sensitivity - Regular expression matching is case-sensitive.
  • Date-time values - For date-time values, use ISO 8601 format (for example: "2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z").


Filter functionality can be expanded using functions. These functions help to filter specific data types. For example, they allow to filter on the year component of a date-time type field.

Functions can be applied to the field component of a filter expression, like so:


Filter functions

Function Description Input type Output type Example input Example output
year Returns the year component of a date value date-time integer year("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 2024
month Returns the month component of a date value date-time integer month("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 3
day Returns the day of the month component of a date value date-time integer day("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 16
hour Returns the hour component of a datetime value date-time integer hour("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 14
minute Returns the minute component of a datetime value date-time integer minute("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 15
second Returns the second component of a datetime value date-time integer second("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 30
millisecond Returns the millisecond component of a datetime value date-time integer millisecond("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 500
floor Rounds a number down to the nearest integer float integer floor(25.75) 25
ceiling Rounds a number up to the nearest integer float integer ceiling(25.75) 26
round Rounds a number to the nearest integer float integer round(25.75) 26
lower Converts a string to lowercase string string lower("Nictiz") "nictiz"
upper Converts a string to uppercase string string upper("Nictiz") "NICTIZ"


Date is in the month of March:


Combining filter expressions

Filter expressions can be combined using the or and and operators.


Name is either ("Nictiz" OR "MedMij"):


Name does NOT end with "Mij":

Default: false

The count query string parameter defines whether to provide a count of the total number of results.


To request a count, use:


The count will be returned in the Total-Count header, for example:

200 OK
Total-Count: 78

Note that when the filter query string parameter is set, the total number of results returned in the Total-Count header reflects the filtered result set.


Response samples

Content type
  • {

Get a user invitation by ID

Returns a single user invitation.

path Parameters
string <uuid>
Examples: 30ca5cc5-b84c-4993-b15b-8ab182dab89c

The ID of the invitation


Response samples

Content type
  • "id": "30ca5cc5-b84c-4993-b15b-8ab182dab89c",
  • "organizationId": "b9b95cd7-8d6e-4c91-8861-854828cf1730",
  • "organization": {
  • "emailAddress": "john.doe@nictiz.nl",
  • "status": "ACCEPTED",
  • "responseTime": "2024-03-11T00:00:00.000Z",
  • "createTime": "2023-10-24T14:15:30.500Z",
  • "createdByUserId": "533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856",
  • "createdByUser": {
  • "updateTime": "2023-10-25T10:45:30.500Z",
  • "updatedByUserId": "533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856",
  • "updatedByUser": {

Accept a pending user invitation

Accept a pending user invitation.

path Parameters
string <uuid>
Examples: 30ca5cc5-b84c-4993-b15b-8ab182dab89c

The ID of the invitation


Response samples

Content type
  • "id": "30ca5cc5-b84c-4993-b15b-8ab182dab89c",
  • "organizationId": "b9b95cd7-8d6e-4c91-8861-854828cf1730",
  • "organization": {
  • "emailAddress": "john.doe@nictiz.nl",
  • "status": "ACCEPTED",
  • "responseTime": "2024-03-11T00:00:00.000Z",
  • "createTime": "2023-10-24T14:15:30.500Z",
  • "createdByUserId": "533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856",
  • "createdByUser": {
  • "updateTime": "2023-10-25T10:45:30.500Z",
  • "updatedByUserId": "533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856",
  • "updatedByUser": {

Decline a pending user invitation

Decline a pending user invitation.

path Parameters
string <uuid>
Examples: 30ca5cc5-b84c-4993-b15b-8ab182dab89c

The ID of the invitation


Response samples

Content type
  • "id": "30ca5cc5-b84c-4993-b15b-8ab182dab89c",
  • "organizationId": "b9b95cd7-8d6e-4c91-8861-854828cf1730",
  • "organization": {
  • "emailAddress": "john.doe@nictiz.nl",
  • "status": "DECLINED",
  • "responseTime": "2024-03-11T00:00:00.000Z",
  • "createTime": "2023-10-24T14:15:30.500Z",
  • "createdByUserId": "533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856",
  • "createdByUser": {
  • "updateTime": "2023-10-25T10:45:30.500Z",
  • "updatedByUserId": "533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856",
  • "updatedByUser": {

User memberships

User memberships API

List all user memberships

Returns a list of user memberships.


Sort expressions

The following table lists the field names and directions you can use in a sort expression.

Field Type Direction Example
id uuid asc ?sort=asc(id)
desc ?sort=desc(id)
createTime date-time asc ?sort=asc(createTime)
desc ?sort=desc(createTime)
updateTime date-time asc ?sort=asc(updateTime)
desc ?sort=desc(updateTime)

Default sort expression

If the sort parameter is omitted, the default sort expression is used:


This causes results to be sorted by createTime in descending order (from most recent to oldest).

Filter expressions

The following table lists the field names and operators you can use in a filter expression.

Field Type Operator Example
id uuid eq ?filter=eq(id,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
neq ?filter=neq(id,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
organizationId uuid eq ?filter=eq(organizationId,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
neq ?filter=neq(organizationId,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
createTime date-time eq ?filter=eq(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
neq ?filter=neq(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gt ?filter=gt(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gte ?filter=gte(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lt ?filter=lt(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lte ?filter=lte(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
updateTime date-time eq ?filter=eq(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
neq ?filter=neq(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gt ?filter=gt(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gte ?filter=gte(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lt ?filter=lt(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lte ?filter=lte(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
query Parameters
integer <int32> [ 1 .. 100 ]
Default: 100
Examples: limit=100

The limit query string parameter restricts the number of items to return at one time.

  • Minimum is 0
  • Maximum is 100
integer <int32> >= 0
Default: 0
Examples: skip=0

The skip query string parameter defines the number of items to skip before returning items.

  • Minimum is 0
Default: ""
  • sort= - Empty
  • sort=asc(createTime) - Create time (ascending)
  • sort=asc(name),desc(createTime) - Combined sort
  • sort=asc(user.name) - Nested field

The sort query string parameter sorts the data returned from your request.


Sort syntax

A single sort expression uses the form:


In this syntax:

  • direction - The sort direction to use
  • field - The name of the field to sort by
    • Nested fields can be referenced using dot notation (field.nested) or bracket notation (field["nested"])

Sort directions

  • asc - Ascending (smallest to largest)
    • e.g. 1 to 100, A to Z, oldest to newest, false to true, not null to null
  • desc - Descending (largest to smallest)
    • e.g. 100 to 1, Z to A, newest to oldest, true to false, null to not null


Sort functionality can be expanded using functions. These functions help to sort specific data types. For example, they allow to sort on the year component of a date-time type field.

Functions can be applied to the field component of a sort expression, like so:


Sort functions

Function Description Input type Output type Example input Example output
year Returns the year component of a date value date-time integer year("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 2024
month Returns the month component of a date value date-time integer month("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 3
day Returns the day of the month component of a date value date-time integer day("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 16
hour Returns the hour component of a datetime value date-time integer hour("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 14
minute Returns the minute component of a datetime value date-time integer minute("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 15
second Returns the second component of a datetime value date-time integer second("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 30
millisecond Returns the millisecond component of a datetime value date-time integer millisecond("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 500
floor Rounds a number down to the nearest integer float integer floor(25.75) 25
ceiling Rounds a number up to the nearest integer float integer ceiling(25.75) 26
round Rounds a number to the nearest integer float integer round(25.75) 26
lower Converts a string to lowercase string string lower("Nictiz") "nictiz"
upper Converts a string to uppercase string string upper("Nictiz") "NICTIZ"

Combining sort expressions

Sort expressions can be combined using a comma (,).

Sort expressions are evaluated from left to right, for example:


Causes the results to be sorted first by name in ascending order (from A to Z), and then by createTime in ascending order (from oldest to newest).

Default: ""
  • filter= - Empty
  • filter=stw(name,"Nictiz") - Starts with
  • filter=or(eq(name,"Nictiz"),eq(name,"MedMij")) - Name equals (OR)
  • filter=and(eq(year(createTime),2023),eq(month(createTime),10)) - Created in October 2023

The filter query string parameter restricts the data returned from your request.


Filter syntax

A single filter expression uses the form:


In this syntax:

  • operator - The type of filter to use
  • field - The name of the field to filter on
    • Nested fields can be referenced using dot notation (field.nested) or bracket notation (field["nested"])
  • value - The value that the field must be evaluated against

Filter operators

Operator Description Field type Example
eq Equal to value boolean eq(field,true)
number eq(field,1234)
string eq(field,"text")
date-time eq(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
uuid eq(field,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
null eq(field,null)
neq Not equal to value boolean neq(field,true)
number neq(field,1234)
string neq(field,"text")
date-time neq(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
uuid neq(field,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
null neq(field,null)
gt Greater than value number gt(field,1234)
date-time gt(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gte Greater than or equal to value number gte(field,1234)
date-time gte(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lt Less than value number lt(field,1234)
date-time lt(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lte Less than or equal to value number lte(field,1234)
date-time lte(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
has Contains substring string has(field,"text")
stw Starts with string string stw(field,"text")
enw Ends with string string enw(field,"text")
reg Matches regular expression string reg(field,"^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$")

List operators

The any and all operators can be used to filter on list fields. These operators will filter the data returned to only include results where any or all items in given list return true for given filter expression.

A single list operator uses the form:


In this syntax:

  • listOperator - The list operator to use
    • The any operator returns true if the filter expression is true for at least one item in the list
    • The all operator returns true if the filter expression is true for every item in the list
  • listField - The name of the list field to filter on
  • operator - The type of filter to use on the list items
  • $it - Keyword that refers to each individual item of the list field
    • If the item is an object, you can reference nested fields like so: $it.nestedField
  • value - The value that the list item must be evaluated against

The operator in a list operator can be seen as a lambda function, where it represents the body of a loop in a programming language with $it representing the current item of the list during iteration.


Any perspectiveType that is equal to "API_SPECIFICATION":


All versions have any url with a type that is equal to "FUNCTIONAL_DESIGN":


not operator

The not operator evaluates to true if its sub-expression evaluates to false, and vice-versa.

It can be applied to any filter operator, like so:


Filter values

There are a couple of important rules for filter values:

  • URL-reserved characters - Characters such as & must be url-encoded in the usual way.
  • Value syntax - Value syntax is similar to that of JSON:
    • string - Must be written with double quotes (for example: "value")
      • date-time - Must be written as string
      • enum - Must be written as string
      • uuid - Must be written as string
    • number - Must be written as JSON number
    • boolean - Must be written as JSON boolean: either true or false
    • null - Must be written as JSON null literal
  • Regular expressions - You can also use regular expressions in filter values using the reg operator. The syntax uses POSIX regular expressions (similar to Perl) and have these additional rules:
    • Case sensitivity - Regular expression matching is case-sensitive.
  • Date-time values - For date-time values, use ISO 8601 format (for example: "2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z").


Filter functionality can be expanded using functions. These functions help to filter specific data types. For example, they allow to filter on the year component of a date-time type field.

Functions can be applied to the field component of a filter expression, like so:


Filter functions

Function Description Input type Output type Example input Example output
year Returns the year component of a date value date-time integer year("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 2024
month Returns the month component of a date value date-time integer month("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 3
day Returns the day of the month component of a date value date-time integer day("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 16
hour Returns the hour component of a datetime value date-time integer hour("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 14
minute Returns the minute component of a datetime value date-time integer minute("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 15
second Returns the second component of a datetime value date-time integer second("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 30
millisecond Returns the millisecond component of a datetime value date-time integer millisecond("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 500
floor Rounds a number down to the nearest integer float integer floor(25.75) 25
ceiling Rounds a number up to the nearest integer float integer ceiling(25.75) 26
round Rounds a number to the nearest integer float integer round(25.75) 26
lower Converts a string to lowercase string string lower("Nictiz") "nictiz"
upper Converts a string to uppercase string string upper("Nictiz") "NICTIZ"


Date is in the month of March:


Combining filter expressions

Filter expressions can be combined using the or and and operators.


Name is either ("Nictiz" OR "MedMij"):


Name does NOT end with "Mij":

Default: false

The count query string parameter defines whether to provide a count of the total number of results.


To request a count, use:


The count will be returned in the Total-Count header, for example:

200 OK
Total-Count: 78

Note that when the filter query string parameter is set, the total number of results returned in the Total-Count header reflects the filtered result set.


Response samples

Content type
  • {

Get a user membership by ID

Returns a single user membership.

path Parameters
string <uuid>
Examples: cefdc28f-550d-4005-9ca7-c1836202c37b

The ID of the membership


Response samples

Content type
  • "id": "cefdc28f-550d-4005-9ca7-c1836202c37b",
  • "organizationId": "b9b95cd7-8d6e-4c91-8861-854828cf1730",
  • "organization": {
  • "createTime": "2023-10-24T14:15:30.500Z",
  • "createdByUserId": "533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856",
  • "createdByUser": {
  • "updateTime": "2023-10-25T10:45:30.500Z",
  • "updatedByUserId": "533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856",
  • "updatedByUser": {

Delete a user membership

Deletes a single user membership.

path Parameters
string <uuid>
Examples: cefdc28f-550d-4005-9ca7-c1836202c37b

The ID of the membership


Response samples

Content type
  • "status": 400,
  • "type": "INVALID_ARGUMENT",
  • "message": "Failed to parse body"


Organizations API

List all organizations

Returns a list of organizations.


Sort expressions

The following table lists the field names and directions you can use in a sort expression.

Field Type Direction Example
id uuid asc ?sort=asc(id)
desc ?sort=desc(id)
name string asc ?sort=asc(name)
desc ?sort=desc(name)
address.city string asc ?sort=asc(address.city)
desc ?sort=desc(address.city)
createTime date-time asc ?sort=asc(createTime)
desc ?sort=desc(createTime)
updateTime date-time asc ?sort=asc(updateTime)
desc ?sort=desc(updateTime)

Default sort expression

If the sort parameter is omitted, the default sort expression is used:


This causes the results to be sorted by name in ascending order (from A to Z).

Filter expressions

The following table lists the field names and operators you can use in a filter expression.

Field Type Operator Example
id uuid eq ?filter=eq(id,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
neq ?filter=neq(id,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
name string eq ?filter=eq(name,"Nictiz")
neq ?filter=neq(name,"Nictiz")
has ?filter=has(name,"Nic")
stw ?filter=stw(name,"Nic")
enw ?filter=enw(name,"tiz")
reg ?filter=reg(name,"^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$")
address.street string eq ?filter=eq(address.street,"Oude Middenweg")
neq ?filter=neq(address.street,"Oude Middenweg")
has ?filter=has(address.street,"Oude")
stw ?filter=stw(address.street,"Oude")
enw ?filter=enw(address.street,"Middenweg")
reg ?filter=reg(address.street,"^[a-zA-Z ]+$")
address.postalCode string eq ?filter=eq(address.postalCode,"2491 AC")
neq ?filter=neq(address.postalCode,"2491 AC")
has ?filter=has(address.postalCode,"2491")
stw ?filter=stw(address.postalCode,"2491")
enw ?filter=enw(address.postalCode,"AC")
reg ?filter=reg(address.postalCode,"^(\d{4})\s*([A-Z]{2})$")
address.city string eq ?filter=eq(address.city,"The Hague")
neq ?filter=neq(address.city,"The Hague")
has ?filter=has(address.city,"The")
stw ?filter=stw(address.city,"The")
enw ?filter=enw(address.city,"Hague")
reg ?filter=reg(address.city,"^[a-zA-Z ]+$")
address.country Country eq ?filter=eq(address.country,"NL")
neq ?filter=neq(address.country,"NL")
createTime date-time eq ?filter=eq(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
neq ?filter=neq(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gt ?filter=gt(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gte ?filter=gte(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lt ?filter=lt(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lte ?filter=lte(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
updateTime date-time eq ?filter=eq(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
neq ?filter=neq(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gt ?filter=gt(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gte ?filter=gte(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lt ?filter=lt(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lte ?filter=lte(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
query Parameters
integer <int32> [ 1 .. 100 ]
Default: 100
Examples: limit=100

The limit query string parameter restricts the number of items to return at one time.

  • Minimum is 0
  • Maximum is 100
integer <int32> >= 0
Default: 0
Examples: skip=0

The skip query string parameter defines the number of items to skip before returning items.

  • Minimum is 0
Default: ""
  • sort= - Empty
  • sort=asc(createTime) - Create time (ascending)
  • sort=asc(name),desc(createTime) - Combined sort
  • sort=asc(user.name) - Nested field

The sort query string parameter sorts the data returned from your request.


Sort syntax

A single sort expression uses the form:


In this syntax:

  • direction - The sort direction to use
  • field - The name of the field to sort by
    • Nested fields can be referenced using dot notation (field.nested) or bracket notation (field["nested"])

Sort directions

  • asc - Ascending (smallest to largest)
    • e.g. 1 to 100, A to Z, oldest to newest, false to true, not null to null
  • desc - Descending (largest to smallest)
    • e.g. 100 to 1, Z to A, newest to oldest, true to false, null to not null


Sort functionality can be expanded using functions. These functions help to sort specific data types. For example, they allow to sort on the year component of a date-time type field.

Functions can be applied to the field component of a sort expression, like so:


Sort functions

Function Description Input type Output type Example input Example output
year Returns the year component of a date value date-time integer year("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 2024
month Returns the month component of a date value date-time integer month("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 3
day Returns the day of the month component of a date value date-time integer day("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 16
hour Returns the hour component of a datetime value date-time integer hour("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 14
minute Returns the minute component of a datetime value date-time integer minute("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 15
second Returns the second component of a datetime value date-time integer second("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 30
millisecond Returns the millisecond component of a datetime value date-time integer millisecond("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 500
floor Rounds a number down to the nearest integer float integer floor(25.75) 25
ceiling Rounds a number up to the nearest integer float integer ceiling(25.75) 26
round Rounds a number to the nearest integer float integer round(25.75) 26
lower Converts a string to lowercase string string lower("Nictiz") "nictiz"
upper Converts a string to uppercase string string upper("Nictiz") "NICTIZ"

Combining sort expressions

Sort expressions can be combined using a comma (,).

Sort expressions are evaluated from left to right, for example:


Causes the results to be sorted first by name in ascending order (from A to Z), and then by createTime in ascending order (from oldest to newest).

Default: ""
  • filter= - Empty
  • filter=stw(name,"Nictiz") - Starts with
  • filter=or(eq(name,"Nictiz"),eq(name,"MedMij")) - Name equals (OR)
  • filter=and(eq(year(createTime),2023),eq(month(createTime),10)) - Created in October 2023

The filter query string parameter restricts the data returned from your request.


Filter syntax

A single filter expression uses the form:


In this syntax:

  • operator - The type of filter to use
  • field - The name of the field to filter on
    • Nested fields can be referenced using dot notation (field.nested) or bracket notation (field["nested"])
  • value - The value that the field must be evaluated against

Filter operators

Operator Description Field type Example
eq Equal to value boolean eq(field,true)
number eq(field,1234)
string eq(field,"text")
date-time eq(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
uuid eq(field,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
null eq(field,null)
neq Not equal to value boolean neq(field,true)
number neq(field,1234)
string neq(field,"text")
date-time neq(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
uuid neq(field,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
null neq(field,null)
gt Greater than value number gt(field,1234)
date-time gt(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gte Greater than or equal to value number gte(field,1234)
date-time gte(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lt Less than value number lt(field,1234)
date-time lt(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lte Less than or equal to value number lte(field,1234)
date-time lte(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
has Contains substring string has(field,"text")
stw Starts with string string stw(field,"text")
enw Ends with string string enw(field,"text")
reg Matches regular expression string reg(field,"^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$")

List operators

The any and all operators can be used to filter on list fields. These operators will filter the data returned to only include results where any or all items in given list return true for given filter expression.

A single list operator uses the form:


In this syntax:

  • listOperator - The list operator to use
    • The any operator returns true if the filter expression is true for at least one item in the list
    • The all operator returns true if the filter expression is true for every item in the list
  • listField - The name of the list field to filter on
  • operator - The type of filter to use on the list items
  • $it - Keyword that refers to each individual item of the list field
    • If the item is an object, you can reference nested fields like so: $it.nestedField
  • value - The value that the list item must be evaluated against

The operator in a list operator can be seen as a lambda function, where it represents the body of a loop in a programming language with $it representing the current item of the list during iteration.


Any perspectiveType that is equal to "API_SPECIFICATION":


All versions have any url with a type that is equal to "FUNCTIONAL_DESIGN":


not operator

The not operator evaluates to true if its sub-expression evaluates to false, and vice-versa.

It can be applied to any filter operator, like so:


Filter values

There are a couple of important rules for filter values:

  • URL-reserved characters - Characters such as & must be url-encoded in the usual way.
  • Value syntax - Value syntax is similar to that of JSON:
    • string - Must be written with double quotes (for example: "value")
      • date-time - Must be written as string
      • enum - Must be written as string
      • uuid - Must be written as string
    • number - Must be written as JSON number
    • boolean - Must be written as JSON boolean: either true or false
    • null - Must be written as JSON null literal
  • Regular expressions - You can also use regular expressions in filter values using the reg operator. The syntax uses POSIX regular expressions (similar to Perl) and have these additional rules:
    • Case sensitivity - Regular expression matching is case-sensitive.
  • Date-time values - For date-time values, use ISO 8601 format (for example: "2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z").


Filter functionality can be expanded using functions. These functions help to filter specific data types. For example, they allow to filter on the year component of a date-time type field.

Functions can be applied to the field component of a filter expression, like so:


Filter functions

Function Description Input type Output type Example input Example output
year Returns the year component of a date value date-time integer year("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 2024
month Returns the month component of a date value date-time integer month("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 3
day Returns the day of the month component of a date value date-time integer day("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 16
hour Returns the hour component of a datetime value date-time integer hour("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 14
minute Returns the minute component of a datetime value date-time integer minute("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 15
second Returns the second component of a datetime value date-time integer second("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 30
millisecond Returns the millisecond component of a datetime value date-time integer millisecond("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 500
floor Rounds a number down to the nearest integer float integer floor(25.75) 25
ceiling Rounds a number up to the nearest integer float integer ceiling(25.75) 26
round Rounds a number to the nearest integer float integer round(25.75) 26
lower Converts a string to lowercase string string lower("Nictiz") "nictiz"
upper Converts a string to uppercase string string upper("Nictiz") "NICTIZ"


Date is in the month of March:


Combining filter expressions

Filter expressions can be combined using the or and and operators.


Name is either ("Nictiz" OR "MedMij"):


Name does NOT end with "Mij":

Default: false

The count query string parameter defines whether to provide a count of the total number of results.


To request a count, use:


The count will be returned in the Total-Count header, for example:

200 OK
Total-Count: 78

Note that when the filter query string parameter is set, the total number of results returned in the Total-Count header reflects the filtered result set.


Response samples

Content type
  • {

Add an organization

Adds an organization to the collection.

Request Body schema: application/json

Organization object to add

string <= 255 characters

The name of the organization

string or null <= 1000 characters

The description of the organization

string or null <= 1000 characters

The URL of the organization's website

string or null <= 1000 characters

The URL of the organization on GitHub

string or null <= 1000 characters

The URL of the organization on GitLab

string <email> <= 254 characters

The email address of the organization

string or null <= 50 characters

The phone number of the organization

object or null (Address)

The address information


Request samples

Content type
  • "name": "Nictiz",
  • "description": "Nictiz is the Dutch competence center for electronic exchange of health and care information.",
  • "website": "https://nictiz.nl/",
  • "emailAddress": "info@nictiz.nl",
  • "phoneNumber": "+31 (0)70 317 3450",
  • "address": {

Response samples

Content type
  • "id": "b9b95cd7-8d6e-4c91-8861-854828cf1730",
  • "name": "Nictiz",
  • "description": "Nictiz is the Dutch competence center for electronic exchange of health and care information.",
  • "website": "https://nictiz.nl/",
  • "emailAddress": "info@nictiz.nl",
  • "phoneNumber": "+31 (0)70 317 3450",
  • "address": {
  • "createTime": "2023-10-24T14:15:30.500Z",
  • "createdByUserId": "533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856",
  • "createdByUser": {
  • "updateTime": "2023-10-25T10:45:30.500Z",
  • "updatedByUserId": "533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856",
  • "updatedByUser": {

Get an organization by ID

Returns a single organization.

path Parameters
string <uuid>
Examples: b9b95cd7-8d6e-4c91-8861-854828cf1730

The ID of the organization


Response samples

Content type
  • "id": "b9b95cd7-8d6e-4c91-8861-854828cf1730",
  • "name": "Nictiz",
  • "description": "Nictiz is the Dutch competence center for electronic exchange of health and care information.",
  • "website": "https://nictiz.nl/",
  • "emailAddress": "info@nictiz.nl",
  • "phoneNumber": "+31 (0)70 317 3450",
  • "address": {
  • "createTime": "2023-10-24T14:15:30.500Z",
  • "createdByUserId": "533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856",
  • "createdByUser": {
  • "updateTime": "2023-10-25T10:45:30.500Z",
  • "updatedByUserId": "533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856",
  • "updatedByUser": {

Update an organization

Updates a single organization.

path Parameters
string <uuid>
Examples: b9b95cd7-8d6e-4c91-8861-854828cf1730

The ID of the organization

Request Body schema: application/json

Updated organization object

string <= 255 characters

The name of the organization

string or null <= 1000 characters

The description of the organization

string or null <= 1000 characters

The URL of the organization's website

string or null <= 1000 characters

The URL of the organization on GitHub

string or null <= 1000 characters

The URL of the organization on GitLab

string <email> <= 254 characters

The email address of the organization

string or null <= 50 characters

The phone number of the organization

object or null (Address)

The address information


Request samples

Content type
  • "name": "Nictiz",
  • "description": "Nictiz is the Dutch competence center for electronic exchange of health and care information.",
  • "website": "https://nictiz.nl/",
  • "emailAddress": "info@nictiz.nl",
  • "phoneNumber": "+31 (0)70 317 3450",
  • "address": {

Response samples

Content type
  • "id": "b9b95cd7-8d6e-4c91-8861-854828cf1730",
  • "name": "Nictiz",
  • "description": "Nictiz is the Dutch competence center for electronic exchange of health and care information.",
  • "website": "https://nictiz.nl/",
  • "emailAddress": "info@nictiz.nl",
  • "phoneNumber": "+31 (0)70 317 3450",
  • "address": {
  • "createTime": "2023-10-24T14:15:30.500Z",
  • "createdByUserId": "533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856",
  • "createdByUser": {
  • "updateTime": "2023-10-25T10:45:30.500Z",
  • "updatedByUserId": "533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856",
  • "updatedByUser": {

Organization invitations

Organization invitations API

List all organization invitations

Returns a list of organization invitations.


Sort expressions

The following table lists the field names and directions you can use in a sort expression.

Field Type Direction Example
id uuid asc ?sort=asc(id)
desc ?sort=desc(id)
emailAddress string asc ?sort=asc(emailAddress)
desc ?sort=desc(emailAddress)
responseTime date-time asc ?sort=asc(responseTime)
desc ?sort=desc(responseTime)
createTime date-time asc ?sort=asc(createTime)
desc ?sort=desc(createTime)
updateTime date-time asc ?sort=asc(updateTime)
desc ?sort=desc(updateTime)

Default sort expression

If the sort parameter is omitted, the default sort expression is used:


This causes results to be sorted by createTime in descending order (from most recent to oldest).

Filter expressions

The following table lists the field names and operators you can use in a filter expression.

Field Type Operator Example
id uuid eq ?filter=eq(id,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
neq ?filter=neq(id,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
emailAddress string eq ?filter=eq(emailAddress,"john.doe@nictiz.nl")
neq ?filter=neq(emailAddress,"john.doe@nictiz.nl")
has ?filter=has(emailAddress,"john")
stw ?filter=stw(emailAddress,"john")
enw ?filter=enw(emailAddress,"nictiz.nl")
reg ?filter=reg(emailAddress,"^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$")
status InvitationStatus eq ?filter=eq(status,"PENDING")
neq ?filter=neq(status,"PENDING")
userId uuid eq ?filter=eq(userId,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
neq ?filter=neq(userId,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
responseTime date-time eq ?filter=eq(responseTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
neq ?filter=neq(responseTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gt ?filter=gt(responseTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gte ?filter=gte(responseTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lt ?filter=lt(responseTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lte ?filter=lte(responseTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
createTime date-time eq ?filter=eq(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
neq ?filter=neq(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gt ?filter=gt(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gte ?filter=gte(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lt ?filter=lt(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lte ?filter=lte(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
updateTime date-time eq ?filter=eq(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
neq ?filter=neq(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gt ?filter=gt(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gte ?filter=gte(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lt ?filter=lt(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lte ?filter=lte(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
path Parameters
string <uuid>
Examples: b9b95cd7-8d6e-4c91-8861-854828cf1730

The ID of the organization

query Parameters
integer <int32> [ 1 .. 100 ]
Default: 100
Examples: limit=100

The limit query string parameter restricts the number of items to return at one time.

  • Minimum is 0
  • Maximum is 100
integer <int32> >= 0
Default: 0
Examples: skip=0

The skip query string parameter defines the number of items to skip before returning items.

  • Minimum is 0
Default: ""
  • sort= - Empty
  • sort=asc(createTime) - Create time (ascending)
  • sort=asc(name),desc(createTime) - Combined sort
  • sort=asc(user.name) - Nested field

The sort query string parameter sorts the data returned from your request.


Sort syntax

A single sort expression uses the form:


In this syntax:

  • direction - The sort direction to use
  • field - The name of the field to sort by
    • Nested fields can be referenced using dot notation (field.nested) or bracket notation (field["nested"])

Sort directions

  • asc - Ascending (smallest to largest)
    • e.g. 1 to 100, A to Z, oldest to newest, false to true, not null to null
  • desc - Descending (largest to smallest)
    • e.g. 100 to 1, Z to A, newest to oldest, true to false, null to not null


Sort functionality can be expanded using functions. These functions help to sort specific data types. For example, they allow to sort on the year component of a date-time type field.

Functions can be applied to the field component of a sort expression, like so:


Sort functions

Function Description Input type Output type Example input Example output
year Returns the year component of a date value date-time integer year("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 2024
month Returns the month component of a date value date-time integer month("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 3
day Returns the day of the month component of a date value date-time integer day("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 16
hour Returns the hour component of a datetime value date-time integer hour("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 14
minute Returns the minute component of a datetime value date-time integer minute("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 15
second Returns the second component of a datetime value date-time integer second("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 30
millisecond Returns the millisecond component of a datetime value date-time integer millisecond("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 500
floor Rounds a number down to the nearest integer float integer floor(25.75) 25
ceiling Rounds a number up to the nearest integer float integer ceiling(25.75) 26
round Rounds a number to the nearest integer float integer round(25.75) 26
lower Converts a string to lowercase string string lower("Nictiz") "nictiz"
upper Converts a string to uppercase string string upper("Nictiz") "NICTIZ"

Combining sort expressions

Sort expressions can be combined using a comma (,).

Sort expressions are evaluated from left to right, for example:


Causes the results to be sorted first by name in ascending order (from A to Z), and then by createTime in ascending order (from oldest to newest).

Default: ""
  • filter= - Empty
  • filter=stw(name,"Nictiz") - Starts with
  • filter=or(eq(name,"Nictiz"),eq(name,"MedMij")) - Name equals (OR)
  • filter=and(eq(year(createTime),2023),eq(month(createTime),10)) - Created in October 2023

The filter query string parameter restricts the data returned from your request.


Filter syntax

A single filter expression uses the form:


In this syntax:

  • operator - The type of filter to use
  • field - The name of the field to filter on
    • Nested fields can be referenced using dot notation (field.nested) or bracket notation (field["nested"])
  • value - The value that the field must be evaluated against

Filter operators

Operator Description Field type Example
eq Equal to value boolean eq(field,true)
number eq(field,1234)
string eq(field,"text")
date-time eq(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
uuid eq(field,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
null eq(field,null)
neq Not equal to value boolean neq(field,true)
number neq(field,1234)
string neq(field,"text")
date-time neq(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
uuid neq(field,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
null neq(field,null)
gt Greater than value number gt(field,1234)
date-time gt(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gte Greater than or equal to value number gte(field,1234)
date-time gte(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lt Less than value number lt(field,1234)
date-time lt(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lte Less than or equal to value number lte(field,1234)
date-time lte(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
has Contains substring string has(field,"text")
stw Starts with string string stw(field,"text")
enw Ends with string string enw(field,"text")
reg Matches regular expression string reg(field,"^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$")

List operators

The any and all operators can be used to filter on list fields. These operators will filter the data returned to only include results where any or all items in given list return true for given filter expression.

A single list operator uses the form:


In this syntax:

  • listOperator - The list operator to use
    • The any operator returns true if the filter expression is true for at least one item in the list
    • The all operator returns true if the filter expression is true for every item in the list
  • listField - The name of the list field to filter on
  • operator - The type of filter to use on the list items
  • $it - Keyword that refers to each individual item of the list field
    • If the item is an object, you can reference nested fields like so: $it.nestedField
  • value - The value that the list item must be evaluated against

The operator in a list operator can be seen as a lambda function, where it represents the body of a loop in a programming language with $it representing the current item of the list during iteration.


Any perspectiveType that is equal to "API_SPECIFICATION":


All versions have any url with a type that is equal to "FUNCTIONAL_DESIGN":


not operator

The not operator evaluates to true if its sub-expression evaluates to false, and vice-versa.

It can be applied to any filter operator, like so:


Filter values

There are a couple of important rules for filter values:

  • URL-reserved characters - Characters such as & must be url-encoded in the usual way.
  • Value syntax - Value syntax is similar to that of JSON:
    • string - Must be written with double quotes (for example: "value")
      • date-time - Must be written as string
      • enum - Must be written as string
      • uuid - Must be written as string
    • number - Must be written as JSON number
    • boolean - Must be written as JSON boolean: either true or false
    • null - Must be written as JSON null literal
  • Regular expressions - You can also use regular expressions in filter values using the reg operator. The syntax uses POSIX regular expressions (similar to Perl) and have these additional rules:
    • Case sensitivity - Regular expression matching is case-sensitive.
  • Date-time values - For date-time values, use ISO 8601 format (for example: "2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z").


Filter functionality can be expanded using functions. These functions help to filter specific data types. For example, they allow to filter on the year component of a date-time type field.

Functions can be applied to the field component of a filter expression, like so:


Filter functions

Function Description Input type Output type Example input Example output
year Returns the year component of a date value date-time integer year("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 2024
month Returns the month component of a date value date-time integer month("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 3
day Returns the day of the month component of a date value date-time integer day("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 16
hour Returns the hour component of a datetime value date-time integer hour("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 14
minute Returns the minute component of a datetime value date-time integer minute("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 15
second Returns the second component of a datetime value date-time integer second("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 30
millisecond Returns the millisecond component of a datetime value date-time integer millisecond("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 500
floor Rounds a number down to the nearest integer float integer floor(25.75) 25
ceiling Rounds a number up to the nearest integer float integer ceiling(25.75) 26
round Rounds a number to the nearest integer float integer round(25.75) 26
lower Converts a string to lowercase string string lower("Nictiz") "nictiz"
upper Converts a string to uppercase string string upper("Nictiz") "NICTIZ"


Date is in the month of March:


Combining filter expressions

Filter expressions can be combined using the or and and operators.


Name is either ("Nictiz" OR "MedMij"):


Name does NOT end with "Mij":

Default: false

The count query string parameter defines whether to provide a count of the total number of results.


To request a count, use:


The count will be returned in the Total-Count header, for example:

200 OK
Total-Count: 78

Note that when the filter query string parameter is set, the total number of results returned in the Total-Count header reflects the filtered result set.


Response samples

Content type
  • {

Add an organization invitation

Adds an organization invitation to the collection.

path Parameters
string <uuid>
Examples: b9b95cd7-8d6e-4c91-8861-854828cf1730

The ID of the organization

Request Body schema: application/json

Organization invitation object to add

string <email> <= 254 characters

The email address of the user being invited


Request samples

Content type
  • "emailAddress": "john.doe@nictiz.nl"

Response samples

Content type
  • "id": "30ca5cc5-b84c-4993-b15b-8ab182dab89c",
  • "emailAddress": "john.doe@nictiz.nl",
  • "status": "PENDING",
  • "createTime": "2023-10-24T14:15:30.500Z",
  • "createdByUserId": "533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856",
  • "createdByUser": {
  • "updateTime": "2023-10-25T10:45:30.500Z",
  • "updatedByUserId": "533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856",
  • "updatedByUser": {

Get an organization invitation by ID

Returns a single organization invitation.

path Parameters
string <uuid>
Examples: b9b95cd7-8d6e-4c91-8861-854828cf1730

The ID of the organization

string <uuid>
Examples: 30ca5cc5-b84c-4993-b15b-8ab182dab89c

The ID of the invitation


Response samples

Content type
  • "id": "30ca5cc5-b84c-4993-b15b-8ab182dab89c",
  • "emailAddress": "john.doe@nictiz.nl",
  • "status": "ACCEPTED",
  • "userId": "7375d2bf-884c-4adf-86f5-5b35f0da864b",
  • "user": {
  • "responseTime": "2024-03-11T00:00:00.000Z",
  • "createTime": "2023-10-24T14:15:30.500Z",
  • "createdByUserId": "533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856",
  • "createdByUser": {
  • "updateTime": "2023-10-25T10:45:30.500Z",
  • "updatedByUserId": "533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856",
  • "updatedByUser": {

Cancel a pending organization invitation

Cancel a pending organization invitation.

path Parameters
string <uuid>
Examples: b9b95cd7-8d6e-4c91-8861-854828cf1730

The ID of the organization

string <uuid>
Examples: 30ca5cc5-b84c-4993-b15b-8ab182dab89c

The ID of the invitation


Response samples

Content type
  • "id": "30ca5cc5-b84c-4993-b15b-8ab182dab89c",
  • "emailAddress": "john.doe@nictiz.nl",
  • "status": "CANCELED",
  • "createTime": "2023-10-24T14:15:30.500Z",
  • "createdByUserId": "533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856",
  • "createdByUser": {
  • "updateTime": "2023-10-25T10:45:30.500Z",
  • "updatedByUserId": "533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856",
  • "updatedByUser": {

Organization memberships

Organization memberships API

List all organization memberships

Returns a list of organization memberships.


Sort expressions

The following table lists the field names and directions you can use in a sort expression.

Field Type Direction Example
id uuid asc ?sort=asc(id)
desc ?sort=desc(id)
createTime date-time asc ?sort=asc(createTime)
desc ?sort=desc(createTime)
updateTime date-time asc ?sort=asc(updateTime)
desc ?sort=desc(updateTime)

Default sort expression

If the sort parameter is omitted, the default sort expression is used:


This causes results to be sorted by createTime in descending order (from most recent to oldest).

Filter expressions

The following table lists the field names and operators you can use in a filter expression.

Field Type Operator Example
id uuid eq ?filter=eq(id,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
neq ?filter=neq(id,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
userId uuid eq ?filter=eq(userId,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
neq ?filter=neq(userId,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
createTime date-time eq ?filter=eq(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
neq ?filter=neq(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gt ?filter=gt(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gte ?filter=gte(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lt ?filter=lt(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lte ?filter=lte(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
updateTime date-time eq ?filter=eq(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
neq ?filter=neq(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gt ?filter=gt(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gte ?filter=gte(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lt ?filter=lt(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lte ?filter=lte(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
path Parameters
string <uuid>
Examples: b9b95cd7-8d6e-4c91-8861-854828cf1730

The ID of the organization

query Parameters
integer <int32> [ 1 .. 100 ]
Default: 100
Examples: limit=100

The limit query string parameter restricts the number of items to return at one time.

  • Minimum is 0
  • Maximum is 100
integer <int32> >= 0
Default: 0
Examples: skip=0

The skip query string parameter defines the number of items to skip before returning items.

  • Minimum is 0
Default: ""
  • sort= - Empty
  • sort=asc(createTime) - Create time (ascending)
  • sort=asc(name),desc(createTime) - Combined sort
  • sort=asc(user.name) - Nested field

The sort query string parameter sorts the data returned from your request.


Sort syntax

A single sort expression uses the form:


In this syntax:

  • direction - The sort direction to use
  • field - The name of the field to sort by
    • Nested fields can be referenced using dot notation (field.nested) or bracket notation (field["nested"])

Sort directions

  • asc - Ascending (smallest to largest)
    • e.g. 1 to 100, A to Z, oldest to newest, false to true, not null to null
  • desc - Descending (largest to smallest)
    • e.g. 100 to 1, Z to A, newest to oldest, true to false, null to not null


Sort functionality can be expanded using functions. These functions help to sort specific data types. For example, they allow to sort on the year component of a date-time type field.

Functions can be applied to the field component of a sort expression, like so:


Sort functions

Function Description Input type Output type Example input Example output
year Returns the year component of a date value date-time integer year("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 2024
month Returns the month component of a date value date-time integer month("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 3
day Returns the day of the month component of a date value date-time integer day("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 16
hour Returns the hour component of a datetime value date-time integer hour("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 14
minute Returns the minute component of a datetime value date-time integer minute("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 15
second Returns the second component of a datetime value date-time integer second("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 30
millisecond Returns the millisecond component of a datetime value date-time integer millisecond("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 500
floor Rounds a number down to the nearest integer float integer floor(25.75) 25
ceiling Rounds a number up to the nearest integer float integer ceiling(25.75) 26
round Rounds a number to the nearest integer float integer round(25.75) 26
lower Converts a string to lowercase string string lower("Nictiz") "nictiz"
upper Converts a string to uppercase string string upper("Nictiz") "NICTIZ"

Combining sort expressions

Sort expressions can be combined using a comma (,).

Sort expressions are evaluated from left to right, for example:


Causes the results to be sorted first by name in ascending order (from A to Z), and then by createTime in ascending order (from oldest to newest).

Default: ""
  • filter= - Empty
  • filter=stw(name,"Nictiz") - Starts with
  • filter=or(eq(name,"Nictiz"),eq(name,"MedMij")) - Name equals (OR)
  • filter=and(eq(year(createTime),2023),eq(month(createTime),10)) - Created in October 2023

The filter query string parameter restricts the data returned from your request.


Filter syntax

A single filter expression uses the form:


In this syntax:

  • operator - The type of filter to use
  • field - The name of the field to filter on
    • Nested fields can be referenced using dot notation (field.nested) or bracket notation (field["nested"])
  • value - The value that the field must be evaluated against

Filter operators

Operator Description Field type Example
eq Equal to value boolean eq(field,true)
number eq(field,1234)
string eq(field,"text")
date-time eq(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
uuid eq(field,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
null eq(field,null)
neq Not equal to value boolean neq(field,true)
number neq(field,1234)
string neq(field,"text")
date-time neq(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
uuid neq(field,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
null neq(field,null)
gt Greater than value number gt(field,1234)
date-time gt(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gte Greater than or equal to value number gte(field,1234)
date-time gte(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lt Less than value number lt(field,1234)
date-time lt(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lte Less than or equal to value number lte(field,1234)
date-time lte(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
has Contains substring string has(field,"text")
stw Starts with string string stw(field,"text")
enw Ends with string string enw(field,"text")
reg Matches regular expression string reg(field,"^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$")

List operators

The any and all operators can be used to filter on list fields. These operators will filter the data returned to only include results where any or all items in given list return true for given filter expression.

A single list operator uses the form:


In this syntax:

  • listOperator - The list operator to use
    • The any operator returns true if the filter expression is true for at least one item in the list
    • The all operator returns true if the filter expression is true for every item in the list
  • listField - The name of the list field to filter on
  • operator - The type of filter to use on the list items
  • $it - Keyword that refers to each individual item of the list field
    • If the item is an object, you can reference nested fields like so: $it.nestedField
  • value - The value that the list item must be evaluated against

The operator in a list operator can be seen as a lambda function, where it represents the body of a loop in a programming language with $it representing the current item of the list during iteration.


Any perspectiveType that is equal to "API_SPECIFICATION":


All versions have any url with a type that is equal to "FUNCTIONAL_DESIGN":


not operator

The not operator evaluates to true if its sub-expression evaluates to false, and vice-versa.

It can be applied to any filter operator, like so:


Filter values

There are a couple of important rules for filter values:

  • URL-reserved characters - Characters such as & must be url-encoded in the usual way.
  • Value syntax - Value syntax is similar to that of JSON:
    • string - Must be written with double quotes (for example: "value")
      • date-time - Must be written as string
      • enum - Must be written as string
      • uuid - Must be written as string
    • number - Must be written as JSON number
    • boolean - Must be written as JSON boolean: either true or false
    • null - Must be written as JSON null literal
  • Regular expressions - You can also use regular expressions in filter values using the reg operator. The syntax uses POSIX regular expressions (similar to Perl) and have these additional rules:
    • Case sensitivity - Regular expression matching is case-sensitive.
  • Date-time values - For date-time values, use ISO 8601 format (for example: "2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z").


Filter functionality can be expanded using functions. These functions help to filter specific data types. For example, they allow to filter on the year component of a date-time type field.

Functions can be applied to the field component of a filter expression, like so:


Filter functions

Function Description Input type Output type Example input Example output
year Returns the year component of a date value date-time integer year("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 2024
month Returns the month component of a date value date-time integer month("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 3
day Returns the day of the month component of a date value date-time integer day("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 16
hour Returns the hour component of a datetime value date-time integer hour("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 14
minute Returns the minute component of a datetime value date-time integer minute("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 15
second Returns the second component of a datetime value date-time integer second("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 30
millisecond Returns the millisecond component of a datetime value date-time integer millisecond("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 500
floor Rounds a number down to the nearest integer float integer floor(25.75) 25
ceiling Rounds a number up to the nearest integer float integer ceiling(25.75) 26
round Rounds a number to the nearest integer float integer round(25.75) 26
lower Converts a string to lowercase string string lower("Nictiz") "nictiz"
upper Converts a string to uppercase string string upper("Nictiz") "NICTIZ"


Date is in the month of March:


Combining filter expressions

Filter expressions can be combined using the or and and operators.


Name is either ("Nictiz" OR "MedMij"):


Name does NOT end with "Mij":

Default: false

The count query string parameter defines whether to provide a count of the total number of results.


To request a count, use:


The count will be returned in the Total-Count header, for example:

200 OK
Total-Count: 78

Note that when the filter query string parameter is set, the total number of results returned in the Total-Count header reflects the filtered result set.


Response samples

Content type
  • {

Get an organization membership by ID

Returns a single organization membership.

path Parameters
string <uuid>
Examples: b9b95cd7-8d6e-4c91-8861-854828cf1730

The ID of the organization

string <uuid>
Examples: cefdc28f-550d-4005-9ca7-c1836202c37b

The ID of the membership


Response samples

Content type
  • "id": "cefdc28f-550d-4005-9ca7-c1836202c37b",
  • "userId": "7375d2bf-884c-4adf-86f5-5b35f0da864b",
  • "user": {
  • "createTime": "2023-10-24T14:15:30.500Z",
  • "createdByUserId": "533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856",
  • "createdByUser": {
  • "updateTime": "2023-10-25T10:45:30.500Z",
  • "updatedByUserId": "533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856",
  • "updatedByUser": {

Delete an organization membership

Deletes a single organization membership.

path Parameters
string <uuid>
Examples: b9b95cd7-8d6e-4c91-8861-854828cf1730

The ID of the organization

string <uuid>
Examples: cefdc28f-550d-4005-9ca7-c1836202c37b

The ID of the membership


Response samples

Content type
  • "status": 400,
  • "type": "INVALID_ARGUMENT",
  • "message": "Failed to parse body"

API requirements versions

API requirements versions API

List all API requirements versions

Returns a list of API requirements versions.


Sort expressions

The following table lists the field names and directions you can use in a sort expression.

Field Type Direction Example
id uuid asc ?sort=asc(id)
desc ?sort=desc(id)
name string asc ?sort=asc(name)
desc ?sort=desc(name)
publishTime date-time asc ?sort=asc(publishTime)
desc ?sort=desc(publishTime)
semVer.major integer asc ?sort=asc(semVer.major)
desc ?sort=desc(semVer.major)
semVer.minor integer asc ?sort=asc(semVer.minor)
desc ?sort=desc(semVer.minor)
semVer.patch integer asc ?sort=asc(semVer.patch)
desc ?sort=desc(semVer.patch)
semVer.preRelease string asc ?sort=asc(semVer.preRelease)
desc ?sort=desc(semVer.preRelease)
semVer.build string asc ?sort=asc(semVer.build)
desc ?sort=desc(semVer.build)
createTime date-time asc ?sort=asc(createTime)
desc ?sort=desc(createTime)
updateTime date-time asc ?sort=asc(updateTime)
desc ?sort=desc(updateTime)

Default sort expression

If the sort parameter is omitted, the default sort expression is used:


This causes results to be sorted by publishTime in descending order (from most recent to oldest).

Filter expressions

The following table lists the field names and operators you can use in a filter expression.

Field Type Operator Example
id uuid eq ?filter=eq(id,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
neq ?filter=neq(id,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
name string eq ?filter=eq(name,"1.2.0")
neq ?filter=neq(name,"1.2.0")
has ?filter=has(name,"1.2")
stw ?filter=stw(name,"1.2")
enw ?filter=enw(name,"2.0")
reg ?filter=reg(name,"^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$")
publishTime date-time eq ?filter=eq(publishTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
neq ?filter=neq(publishTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gt ?filter=gt(publishTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gte ?filter=gte(publishTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lt ?filter=lt(publishTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lte ?filter=lte(publishTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
semVer.major integer eq ?filter=eq(semVer.major,1)
neq ?filter=neq(semVer.major,1)
gt ?filter=gt(semVer.major,1)
gte ?filter=gte(semVer.major,1)
lt ?filter=lt(semVer.major,1)
lte ?filter=lte(semVer.major,1)
semVer.minor integer eq ?filter=eq(semVer.minor,2)
neq ?filter=neq(semVer.minor,2)
gt ?filter=gt(semVer.minor,2)
gte ?filter=gte(semVer.minor,2)
lt ?filter=lt(semVer.minor,2)
lte ?filter=lte(semVer.minor,2)
semVer.patch integer eq ?filter=eq(semVer.patch,0)
neq ?filter=neq(semVer.patch,0)
gt ?filter=gt(semVer.patch,0)
gte ?filter=gte(semVer.patch,0)
lt ?filter=lt(semVer.patch,0)
lte ?filter=lte(semVer.patch,0)
semVer.preRelease string eq ?filter=eq(semVer.preRelease,"beta")
neq ?filter=neq(semVer.preRelease,"beta")
has ?filter=has(semVer.preRelease,"be")
stw ?filter=stw(semVer.preRelease,"be")
enw ?filter=enw(semVer.preRelease,"ta")
reg ?filter=reg(semVer.preRelease,"^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$")
semVer.build string eq ?filter=eq(semVer.build,"exp.sha.5114f85")
neq ?filter=neq(semVer.build,"exp.sha.5114f85")
has ?filter=has(semVer.build,"exp.sha")
stw ?filter=stw(semVer.build,"exp.sha")
enw ?filter=enw(semVer.build,"5114f85")
reg ?filter=reg(semVer.build,"^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$")
lifecycleState ProductLifecycleState eq ?filter=eq(lifecycleState,"PUBLISHED")
neq ?filter=neq(lifecycleState,"PUBLISHED")
createTime date-time eq ?filter=eq(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
neq ?filter=neq(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gt ?filter=gt(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gte ?filter=gte(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lt ?filter=lt(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lte ?filter=lte(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
updateTime date-time eq ?filter=eq(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
neq ?filter=neq(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gt ?filter=gt(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gte ?filter=gte(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lt ?filter=lt(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lte ?filter=lte(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
query Parameters
integer <int32> [ 1 .. 100 ]
Default: 100
Examples: limit=100

The limit query string parameter restricts the number of items to return at one time.

  • Minimum is 0
  • Maximum is 100
integer <int32> >= 0
Default: 0
Examples: skip=0

The skip query string parameter defines the number of items to skip before returning items.

  • Minimum is 0
Default: ""
  • sort= - Empty
  • sort=asc(createTime) - Create time (ascending)
  • sort=asc(name),desc(createTime) - Combined sort
  • sort=asc(user.name) - Nested field

The sort query string parameter sorts the data returned from your request.


Sort syntax

A single sort expression uses the form:


In this syntax:

  • direction - The sort direction to use
  • field - The name of the field to sort by
    • Nested fields can be referenced using dot notation (field.nested) or bracket notation (field["nested"])

Sort directions

  • asc - Ascending (smallest to largest)
    • e.g. 1 to 100, A to Z, oldest to newest, false to true, not null to null
  • desc - Descending (largest to smallest)
    • e.g. 100 to 1, Z to A, newest to oldest, true to false, null to not null


Sort functionality can be expanded using functions. These functions help to sort specific data types. For example, they allow to sort on the year component of a date-time type field.

Functions can be applied to the field component of a sort expression, like so:


Sort functions

Function Description Input type Output type Example input Example output
year Returns the year component of a date value date-time integer year("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 2024
month Returns the month component of a date value date-time integer month("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 3
day Returns the day of the month component of a date value date-time integer day("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 16
hour Returns the hour component of a datetime value date-time integer hour("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 14
minute Returns the minute component of a datetime value date-time integer minute("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 15
second Returns the second component of a datetime value date-time integer second("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 30
millisecond Returns the millisecond component of a datetime value date-time integer millisecond("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 500
floor Rounds a number down to the nearest integer float integer floor(25.75) 25
ceiling Rounds a number up to the nearest integer float integer ceiling(25.75) 26
round Rounds a number to the nearest integer float integer round(25.75) 26
lower Converts a string to lowercase string string lower("Nictiz") "nictiz"
upper Converts a string to uppercase string string upper("Nictiz") "NICTIZ"

Combining sort expressions

Sort expressions can be combined using a comma (,).

Sort expressions are evaluated from left to right, for example:


Causes the results to be sorted first by name in ascending order (from A to Z), and then by createTime in ascending order (from oldest to newest).

Default: ""
  • filter= - Empty
  • filter=stw(name,"Nictiz") - Starts with
  • filter=or(eq(name,"Nictiz"),eq(name,"MedMij")) - Name equals (OR)
  • filter=and(eq(year(createTime),2023),eq(month(createTime),10)) - Created in October 2023

The filter query string parameter restricts the data returned from your request.


Filter syntax

A single filter expression uses the form:


In this syntax:

  • operator - The type of filter to use
  • field - The name of the field to filter on
    • Nested fields can be referenced using dot notation (field.nested) or bracket notation (field["nested"])
  • value - The value that the field must be evaluated against

Filter operators

Operator Description Field type Example
eq Equal to value boolean eq(field,true)
number eq(field,1234)
string eq(field,"text")
date-time eq(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
uuid eq(field,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
null eq(field,null)
neq Not equal to value boolean neq(field,true)
number neq(field,1234)
string neq(field,"text")
date-time neq(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
uuid neq(field,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
null neq(field,null)
gt Greater than value number gt(field,1234)
date-time gt(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gte Greater than or equal to value number gte(field,1234)
date-time gte(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lt Less than value number lt(field,1234)
date-time lt(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lte Less than or equal to value number lte(field,1234)
date-time lte(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
has Contains substring string has(field,"text")
stw Starts with string string stw(field,"text")
enw Ends with string string enw(field,"text")
reg Matches regular expression string reg(field,"^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$")

List operators

The any and all operators can be used to filter on list fields. These operators will filter the data returned to only include results where any or all items in given list return true for given filter expression.

A single list operator uses the form:


In this syntax:

  • listOperator - The list operator to use
    • The any operator returns true if the filter expression is true for at least one item in the list
    • The all operator returns true if the filter expression is true for every item in the list
  • listField - The name of the list field to filter on
  • operator - The type of filter to use on the list items
  • $it - Keyword that refers to each individual item of the list field
    • If the item is an object, you can reference nested fields like so: $it.nestedField
  • value - The value that the list item must be evaluated against

The operator in a list operator can be seen as a lambda function, where it represents the body of a loop in a programming language with $it representing the current item of the list during iteration.


Any perspectiveType that is equal to "API_SPECIFICATION":


All versions have any url with a type that is equal to "FUNCTIONAL_DESIGN":


not operator

The not operator evaluates to true if its sub-expression evaluates to false, and vice-versa.

It can be applied to any filter operator, like so:


Filter values

There are a couple of important rules for filter values:

  • URL-reserved characters - Characters such as & must be url-encoded in the usual way.
  • Value syntax - Value syntax is similar to that of JSON:
    • string - Must be written with double quotes (for example: "value")
      • date-time - Must be written as string
      • enum - Must be written as string
      • uuid - Must be written as string
    • number - Must be written as JSON number
    • boolean - Must be written as JSON boolean: either true or false
    • null - Must be written as JSON null literal
  • Regular expressions - You can also use regular expressions in filter values using the reg operator. The syntax uses POSIX regular expressions (similar to Perl) and have these additional rules:
    • Case sensitivity - Regular expression matching is case-sensitive.
  • Date-time values - For date-time values, use ISO 8601 format (for example: "2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z").


Filter functionality can be expanded using functions. These functions help to filter specific data types. For example, they allow to filter on the year component of a date-time type field.

Functions can be applied to the field component of a filter expression, like so:


Filter functions

Function Description Input type Output type Example input Example output
year Returns the year component of a date value date-time integer year("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 2024
month Returns the month component of a date value date-time integer month("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 3
day Returns the day of the month component of a date value date-time integer day("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 16
hour Returns the hour component of a datetime value date-time integer hour("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 14
minute Returns the minute component of a datetime value date-time integer minute("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 15
second Returns the second component of a datetime value date-time integer second("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 30
millisecond Returns the millisecond component of a datetime value date-time integer millisecond("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 500
floor Rounds a number down to the nearest integer float integer floor(25.75) 25
ceiling Rounds a number up to the nearest integer float integer ceiling(25.75) 26
round Rounds a number to the nearest integer float integer round(25.75) 26
lower Converts a string to lowercase string string lower("Nictiz") "nictiz"
upper Converts a string to uppercase string string upper("Nictiz") "NICTIZ"


Date is in the month of March:


Combining filter expressions

Filter expressions can be combined using the or and and operators.


Name is either ("Nictiz" OR "MedMij"):


Name does NOT end with "Mij":

Default: false

The count query string parameter defines whether to provide a count of the total number of results.


To request a count, use:


The count will be returned in the Total-Count header, for example:

200 OK
Total-Count: 78

Note that when the filter query string parameter is set, the total number of results returned in the Total-Count header reflects the filtered result set.


Response samples

Content type
  • {

Add an API requirements version

Adds an API requirements version to the collection.

Request Body schema: application/json

API requirements version object to add

string <= 255 characters

The name of the API requirements version

string or null <= 1000 characters

The description of the API requirements version

string <= 1000 characters

The URL of the API requirements version documentation

string <date-time>

The date and time at which the API requirements version was published


The Semantic Versioning Specification (SemVer) version information


The lifecycle state of the API requirements version

Array of objects (ApiRequirement)


Request samples

Content type

Response samples

Content type
  • "id": "29c4913a-5ca1-4e91-8353-48866eb6093e",
  • "name": "1.2.0",
  • "description": "This specification sets out requirements for Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) in Dutch Healthcare. It has been developed as part of the Nictiz API strategy.",
  • "publishTime": "2023-07-12T10:45:30.500Z",
  • "semVer": {
  • "lifecycleState": "PUBLISHED",
  • "createTime": "2023-10-24T14:15:30.500Z",
  • "createdByUserId": "533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856",
  • "createdByUser": {
  • "updateTime": "2023-10-25T10:45:30.500Z",
  • "updatedByUserId": "533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856",
  • "updatedByUser": {

Get an API requirements version by name

Returns a single API requirements version.

path Parameters
Examples: 1.2.0

The name of the version


Response samples

Content type
  • "id": "29c4913a-5ca1-4e91-8353-48866eb6093e",
  • "name": "1.2.0",
  • "description": "This specification sets out requirements for Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) in Dutch Healthcare. It has been developed as part of the Nictiz API strategy.",
  • "publishTime": "2023-07-12T10:45:30.500Z",
  • "semVer": {
  • "lifecycleState": "PUBLISHED",
  • "createTime": "2023-10-24T14:15:30.500Z",
  • "createdByUserId": "533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856",
  • "createdByUser": {
  • "updateTime": "2023-10-25T10:45:30.500Z",
  • "updatedByUserId": "533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856",
  • "updatedByUser": {

Update an API requirements version

Updates a single API requirements version.

path Parameters
Examples: 1.2.0

The name of the version

Request Body schema: application/json

Updated API requirements version object

string <= 255 characters

The name of the API requirements version

string or null <= 1000 characters

The description of the API requirements version

string <= 1000 characters

The URL of the API requirements version documentation

string <date-time>

The date and time at which the API requirements version was published


The Semantic Versioning Specification (SemVer) version information


The lifecycle state of the API requirements version


Request samples

Content type
  • "name": "1.2.0",
  • "description": "This specification sets out requirements for Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) in Dutch Healthcare. It has been developed as part of the Nictiz API strategy.",
  • "publishTime": "2023-07-12T10:45:30.500Z",
  • "semVer": {
  • "lifecycleState": "PUBLISHED"

Response samples

Content type
  • "id": "29c4913a-5ca1-4e91-8353-48866eb6093e",
  • "name": "1.2.0",
  • "description": "This specification sets out requirements for Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) in Dutch Healthcare. It has been developed as part of the Nictiz API strategy.",
  • "publishTime": "2023-07-12T10:45:30.500Z",
  • "semVer": {
  • "lifecycleState": "PUBLISHED",
  • "createTime": "2023-10-24T14:15:30.500Z",
  • "createdByUserId": "533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856",
  • "createdByUser": {
  • "updateTime": "2023-10-25T10:45:30.500Z",
  • "updatedByUserId": "533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856",
  • "updatedByUser": {

API requirements version API requirements

API requirements version API requirements API

List all API requirements version API requirements

Returns a list of API requirements.


Sort expressions

The following table lists the field names and directions you can use in a sort expression.

Field Type Direction Example
id uuid asc ?sort=asc(id)
desc ?sort=desc(id)
code string asc ?sort=asc(code)
desc ?sort=desc(code)
category ApiRequirementCategory asc ?sort=asc(category)
desc ?sort=desc(category)
createTime date-time asc ?sort=asc(createTime)
desc ?sort=desc(createTime)
updateTime date-time asc ?sort=asc(updateTime)
desc ?sort=desc(updateTime)

Default sort expression

If the sort parameter is omitted, the default sort expression is used:


This causes results to be sorted by code in ascending order (from A to Z).

Filter expressions

The following table lists the field names and operators you can use in a filter expression.

Field Type Operator Example
id uuid eq ?filter=eq(id,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
neq ?filter=neq(id,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
code string eq ?filter=eq(code,"SD001")
neq ?filter=neq(code,"SD001")
has ?filter=has(code,"SD0")
stw ?filter=stw(code,"SD0")
enw ?filter=enw(code,"001")
reg ?filter=reg(code,"^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$")
description string eq ?filter=eq(description,"The description")
neq ?filter=neq(description,"The description")
has ?filter=has(description,"The")
stw ?filter=stw(description,"The")
enw ?filter=enw(description,"description")
reg ?filter=reg(description,"^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$")
requirementLevel RequirementLevel eq ?filter=eq(requirementLevel,"MUST")
neq ?filter=neq(requirementLevel,"MUST")
score integer eq ?filter=eq(score,1)
neq ?filter=neq(score,1)
gt ?filter=gt(score,1)
gte ?filter=gte(score,1)
lt ?filter=lt(score,1)
lte ?filter=lte(score,1)
category ApiRequirementCategory eq ?filter=eq(category,"API_SPECIFICATION_AND_DOCUMENTATION")
roles.$it ApiRole eq ?filter=any(roles,eq($it,"API_SPECIFIER"))
neq ?filter=all(roles,neq($it,"API_SPECIFIER"))
perspectiveTypes.$it ApiPerspectiveType eq ?filter=any(perspectiveTypes,eq($it,"API_SPECIFICATION"))
neq ?filter=all(perspectiveTypes,neq($it,"API_SPECIFICATION"))
architecturalStyles.$it ApiArchitecturalStyle eq ?filter=any(architecturalStyles,eq($it,"REST"))
neq ?filter=all(architecturalStyles,neq($it,"REST"))
standardizationLevels.$it ApiStandardizationLevel eq ?filter=any(standardizationLevels,eq($it,"OPEN_API"))
neq ?filter=all(standardizationLevels,neq($it,"OPEN_API"))
createTime date-time eq ?filter=eq(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
neq ?filter=neq(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gt ?filter=gt(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gte ?filter=gte(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lt ?filter=lt(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lte ?filter=lte(createTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
updateTime date-time eq ?filter=eq(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
neq ?filter=neq(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gt ?filter=gt(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gte ?filter=gte(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lt ?filter=lt(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lte ?filter=lte(updateTime,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")



path Parameters
Examples: 1.2.0

The name of the version

query Parameters
integer <int32> [ 1 .. 100 ]
Default: 100
Examples: limit=100

The limit query string parameter restricts the number of items to return at one time.

  • Minimum is 0
  • Maximum is 100
integer <int32> >= 0
Default: 0
Examples: skip=0

The skip query string parameter defines the number of items to skip before returning items.

  • Minimum is 0
Default: ""
  • sort= - Empty
  • sort=asc(createTime) - Create time (ascending)
  • sort=asc(name),desc(createTime) - Combined sort
  • sort=asc(user.name) - Nested field

The sort query string parameter sorts the data returned from your request.


Sort syntax

A single sort expression uses the form:


In this syntax:

  • direction - The sort direction to use
  • field - The name of the field to sort by
    • Nested fields can be referenced using dot notation (field.nested) or bracket notation (field["nested"])

Sort directions

  • asc - Ascending (smallest to largest)
    • e.g. 1 to 100, A to Z, oldest to newest, false to true, not null to null
  • desc - Descending (largest to smallest)
    • e.g. 100 to 1, Z to A, newest to oldest, true to false, null to not null


Sort functionality can be expanded using functions. These functions help to sort specific data types. For example, they allow to sort on the year component of a date-time type field.

Functions can be applied to the field component of a sort expression, like so:


Sort functions

Function Description Input type Output type Example input Example output
year Returns the year component of a date value date-time integer year("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 2024
month Returns the month component of a date value date-time integer month("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 3
day Returns the day of the month component of a date value date-time integer day("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 16
hour Returns the hour component of a datetime value date-time integer hour("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 14
minute Returns the minute component of a datetime value date-time integer minute("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 15
second Returns the second component of a datetime value date-time integer second("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 30
millisecond Returns the millisecond component of a datetime value date-time integer millisecond("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 500
floor Rounds a number down to the nearest integer float integer floor(25.75) 25
ceiling Rounds a number up to the nearest integer float integer ceiling(25.75) 26
round Rounds a number to the nearest integer float integer round(25.75) 26
lower Converts a string to lowercase string string lower("Nictiz") "nictiz"
upper Converts a string to uppercase string string upper("Nictiz") "NICTIZ"

Combining sort expressions

Sort expressions can be combined using a comma (,).

Sort expressions are evaluated from left to right, for example:


Causes the results to be sorted first by name in ascending order (from A to Z), and then by createTime in ascending order (from oldest to newest).

Default: ""
  • filter= - Empty
  • filter=stw(name,"Nictiz") - Starts with
  • filter=or(eq(name,"Nictiz"),eq(name,"MedMij")) - Name equals (OR)
  • filter=and(eq(year(createTime),2023),eq(month(createTime),10)) - Created in October 2023

The filter query string parameter restricts the data returned from your request.


Filter syntax

A single filter expression uses the form:


In this syntax:

  • operator - The type of filter to use
  • field - The name of the field to filter on
    • Nested fields can be referenced using dot notation (field.nested) or bracket notation (field["nested"])
  • value - The value that the field must be evaluated against

Filter operators

Operator Description Field type Example
eq Equal to value boolean eq(field,true)
number eq(field,1234)
string eq(field,"text")
date-time eq(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
uuid eq(field,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
null eq(field,null)
neq Not equal to value boolean neq(field,true)
number neq(field,1234)
string neq(field,"text")
date-time neq(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
uuid neq(field,"533d3fe3-bccc-405a-9904-4f516e892856")
null neq(field,null)
gt Greater than value number gt(field,1234)
date-time gt(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
gte Greater than or equal to value number gte(field,1234)
date-time gte(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lt Less than value number lt(field,1234)
date-time lt(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
lte Less than or equal to value number lte(field,1234)
date-time lte(field,"2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z")
has Contains substring string has(field,"text")
stw Starts with string string stw(field,"text")
enw Ends with string string enw(field,"text")
reg Matches regular expression string reg(field,"^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$")

List operators

The any and all operators can be used to filter on list fields. These operators will filter the data returned to only include results where any or all items in given list return true for given filter expression.

A single list operator uses the form:


In this syntax:

  • listOperator - The list operator to use
    • The any operator returns true if the filter expression is true for at least one item in the list
    • The all operator returns true if the filter expression is true for every item in the list
  • listField - The name of the list field to filter on
  • operator - The type of filter to use on the list items
  • $it - Keyword that refers to each individual item of the list field
    • If the item is an object, you can reference nested fields like so: $it.nestedField
  • value - The value that the list item must be evaluated against

The operator in a list operator can be seen as a lambda function, where it represents the body of a loop in a programming language with $it representing the current item of the list during iteration.


Any perspectiveType that is equal to "API_SPECIFICATION":


All versions have any url with a type that is equal to "FUNCTIONAL_DESIGN":


not operator

The not operator evaluates to true if its sub-expression evaluates to false, and vice-versa.

It can be applied to any filter operator, like so:


Filter values

There are a couple of important rules for filter values:

  • URL-reserved characters - Characters such as & must be url-encoded in the usual way.
  • Value syntax - Value syntax is similar to that of JSON:
    • string - Must be written with double quotes (for example: "value")
      • date-time - Must be written as string
      • enum - Must be written as string
      • uuid - Must be written as string
    • number - Must be written as JSON number
    • boolean - Must be written as JSON boolean: either true or false
    • null - Must be written as JSON null literal
  • Regular expressions - You can also use regular expressions in filter values using the reg operator. The syntax uses POSIX regular expressions (similar to Perl) and have these additional rules:
    • Case sensitivity - Regular expression matching is case-sensitive.
  • Date-time values - For date-time values, use ISO 8601 format (for example: "2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z").


Filter functionality can be expanded using functions. These functions help to filter specific data types. For example, they allow to filter on the year component of a date-time type field.

Functions can be applied to the field component of a filter expression, like so:


Filter functions

Function Description Input type Output type Example input Example output
year Returns the year component of a date value date-time integer year("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 2024
month Returns the month component of a date value date-time integer month("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 3
day Returns the day of the month component of a date value date-time integer day("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 16
hour Returns the hour component of a datetime value date-time integer hour("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 14
minute Returns the minute component of a datetime value date-time integer minute("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 15
second Returns the second component of a datetime value date-time integer second("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 30
millisecond Returns the millisecond component of a datetime value date-time integer millisecond("2024-03-16T14:15:30.500Z") 500
floor Rounds a number down to the nearest integer float integer floor(25.75) 25
ceiling Rounds a number up to the nearest integer float integer ceiling(25.75) 26
round Rounds a number to the nearest integer float integer round(25.75) 26
lower Converts a string to lowercase string string lower("Nictiz") "nictiz"
upper Converts a string to uppercase string string upper("Nictiz") "NICTIZ"


Date is in the month of March:


Combining filter expressions

Filter expressions can be combined using the or and and operators.


Name is either ("Nictiz" OR "MedMij"):


Name does NOT end with "Mij":

Default: false